Art of Teaching, UCLL Hasselt (Belgium)

Els Van Emelen is a lecturer at the UCLL in Hasselt. She teaches mathematics to the students of the teacher training college. She is also a researcher for the Art of Teaching unit. Her research focuses on learning pathways and good mathematics education. She also gives courses for teachers on mathematics didactics and learning pathways. Els.vanemelen@ucll.be

Ilse Geerinck is a lecturer at the UCLL where she teaches the subjects of educational pedagogy, and is affiliated as a researcher at the Art of Teaching expertise center (focus: freedom of education and educational pedagogy). She obtained her PhD on religious education at the Theological Faculty of Tilburg (The Netherlands), and her PhD for research on ‘portraits of a teacher’ at KULeuven (Belgium). Ilse.geerinck@ucll.be

Hilde Vanbrabant: Hilde.vanbrabant@ucll.be 

ICLON, Leiden University (The Netherlands)

Michiel Dam is an assistant professor and biology teacher trainer at Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON). His research focus is on teacher learning, STEM subject pedagogy and collaboration between teacher training and secondary schools. Michiel obtained a PhD in 2014 on STEM subject pedagogy. https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/michiel-dam#tab-1

Alma Kuijpers is a post-doc researcher at Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON) and involved in the development of perspective-based education and its implementation in primary and secondary schools. She has a PhD in chemistry (1999) and finished a postgraduate teacher training for chemistry. https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/staffmembers/alma-kuijpers#tab-1


Centro Studi Villa Montesca, Città di Castello (Italy)

Fabrizio Boldrini is the scientific director of the Hallgarten-Franchetti Foundation. He is involved in many European projects as Principal Investigator and is an author of articles and books about the application of the Montessori Method in innovative areas. He is focused his recent research in Service Learning as a new approach to cooperative learning. Fabrizio.boldrini@montesca.eu

Maria Rita Bracchini is an economist specialized in social economy. In Fondazione Villa Montesca she’s the head of the European cooperation and Research Unit. Her research focus is on economics of education, including the demand for education, the inequalities in education, the provision of education, and the comparative efficiency of various educational programs and policies. Mariarita.bracchini@montesca.eu